Grand Tour - Tour De France - Cycling Art Print
The Tour, the greatest race of them all. For years the Tour was a closed book to the rest of the world, ‘old Europe’ jealously guarding its treasures. But then a blond-haired, blued-eyed boy from Colorado arrived, full of talent, ambition and fresh ideas.
Little did Greg Lemond know that the toughest guardian of all rode for his own team. Bernard Hinault, ‘the Badger’ was not prepared to let his teammate into the Tour’s inner sanctum without a fight. Throughout the turbulent, testy Tour of 1986 he attacked Lemond at every opportunity, finally succumbing to his younger rival as they crossed the Col d’Izoard on Stage 17.
The Badger was slain, and a new, global era of cycling was born.
Off-bike goods for on-bike culture.
The Handmade Cyclist is an independent Winchester brand creating apparel, art and goods rooted in cycling culture. Our curated collection comes from an obsession with cycling, from the landscapes, legends and mythos around our glorious sport.We’re cyclists making high quality objects that we want to own, and think others might like too.